Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Historic Photos of North Chesapeake City, Part 15

Aerial view of Schaefer’s wharf, Roger Woolyhan’s building, and Schaefer’s store and restaurant. Back then you could buy a deviled crab dinner there for 65 cents. Note shadow of lift bridge at lower left, circa 1938.

Schaefer’s, looking Southeast. Note Basin and South Chesapeake City at right. The Chesapeake Inn area was then called Borger’s Wharf. Pell Gardens was then called City Dock or Rees’ Wharf, circa 1955.


John and Kitty Schaefer Maloney in later years, sometime in the 1970s.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Historic Photos of North Chesapeake City, Part 14

Famous butcher, Frank Bristow, cutting up as usual. Frank was a colorful character, always with a bizarre story to tell or a practical joke to pull. Frank worked at the old American Store on the South Side and later at Schaefer’s store on the North Side.

 Schaefer’s bar with enlarged inset of swan coaster – L to R: Freddy Mavis, Mamie Breza, Bill Reynolds, Beanie Beaston. The copy of the original swan coaster is courtesy of Morrison Watson.

Another Schaefer’s bar photo of unidentified revelers toasting your health. Does anyone know these men? I think that the man second from right is John Schaefer.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Historic Photos of North Chesapeake City, Part 13

Schaefer’s store, with John Schaefer, Mrs. Schaefer (John’s mother), and Katherine Schaefer Maloney (John’s sister), circa 1940

Inside Schaefer’s grocery store, note pot-bellied stove & meat counter at right, circa 1930


Schaefer’s store in 1966. Note how front of store stood on pilings

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Historic Photos of North Chesapeake City, Part 12

Captain Dan’s today, with Delaware Responder at right. The ship cleans up oil spills. It’s located at the mouth of Long Creek.

An aerial view of Schaefer’s Wharf about 1950. Note Ericsson Line building (center) and Schaefer’s old store and restaurant to the right, as well as other buildings and land marks.
Another view of Schaefer’s old store and restaurant, with the ferry slip, erstwhile playground, and site of the old carnival grounds at the top, circa 1950.