Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Historic Photos of Chesapeake City, Part 11

Historic Photos of Chesapeake City, Part 11

The old Southern Transportation Company, where wooden barges were made west of town on North Side. The site is now Capt. Dan’s, where the Delaware Responder is docked. My great uncles, Clarence & Warren Truss, were employed there in the 20s and 30s. Uncle Clarence was a master carpenter and Uncle Warren was a caulker.

The Marine Construction Company was there at the mouth of Long Creek when I was a boy in late 40s. I used to swim across and take a breather on the wharf before swimming back to the Burnt House.

The old Burnt House swimming area was almost straight across from Marine Construction Company. I’m set to jump off the red channel marker in the summer of 1949.

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