Monday, February 3, 2014

Photos of Old Chesapeake City, Pt 24

Queck’s Hotel in 1896, now the site of the Bayard House. The building was constructed about 1780, thus making it the oldest building in Chesapeake City. It had numerous owners, including Bill Harriott, the Fithian family and the Albert Battersby family. In the modern era, famous bartender, Birdie Battersby, worked there for many years. Photo courtesy of Kathy Vaughan Malone.

Bill Queck and family on a Sunday horse-and-buggy ride in 1895. Note the Ericsson Line building and Joseph Schaefer’s ships’ chandlery at left. Mr. Queck was the great grandfather of the current Chesapeake City Vaughns. His bakery is now the site of the Tap Room and will be shown in my next week’s posting. Photo courtesy of Kathy Vaughan Malone.

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