Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chesapeake City

Photos of Old Chesapeake City, Pt 30

Lupfer’s classic tow truck, photo taken at the 1986 Firemen’s parade. The truck was later owned by the Loston family. Photo courtesy of Lewis Collins, Jr.

The Gotham ferry. There was no charge so some of my buddies and I would ride it back and forth just for fun. My girlfriend, Dolores Carlton, rode it to school and back. Capt. Ed Sheridan was its main pilot. He could handle the awkward ferry in bad weather while others struggled. Capt. Ed was a supremely accomplished pilot on the canal and the Chesapeake Bay. After the bridge replaced the ferry, he became captain of the Port Welcome, a luxury liner out of Baltimore.

The approach to the North Side Ferry Slip. Note diesel tank at left and building for people waiting for the ferry’s return. Buddy Carlton said he’d sometimes miss the ferry on purpose for an excuse to be late to school. It’s been 65 years since the ferry left and . . . I’m still envious.

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